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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful that God is great and God is good. After eleven days of patiently waiting for word from the neurologist, it must not be life threatening. Surely they would have called us in ASAP if it were, no? Still the anxiety of waiting is horrid.

I am thankful that finally it feels as if we are on the upswing of things. You know how everyone goes through those ups and downs? We are on the upside again for who knows how long. Probably until the Dr. calls back.

I am thankful that my bread dough turned out today - just the right amount of humidity and temperature, and my focus on what was going on. I was able to make 1/2 dozen Kraut Bierock, 1/2 dozen ham N cheese "hot pockets" and a sheet pan of Cherry Rivvel Kuchen. All of which were phe-nom-i-nal thank you very much. I was also able to resurrect yesterday's overdone sourdough loaf, making them into croutons for salad. All in all it was a good day.

Until that nurse called from the doctor's office. Why can't they be prepared with all the info you need when they call? Or when you return their message? Hmmm.

I am thankful my hubby is still by my side right here, right now, and I can only pray that it will continue for years and years to come.

Lord I am thankful, but please give me a boost.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thankful Thursday

After posting my recipe for dinner tonight, I realized that today is also Thankful Thursday!

I am thankful that my hubby has not had a single seizure for two days. Which means tomorrow may be especially bad, but that is all in God's hands, and out of mine.

I am thankful that I have recently regained contact with a friend of mine who has been struggling for quite some time, and she is doing exceptionally well. It is a balm to my soul.

I am thankful as always for my loving family, immediate and extended, without whom I would not hold my head so high.

I am thankful for the freedoms I am still allowed in this country, but still concerned for the direction it is heading.

I am thankful for my gal pal "CJ" in Mexico that will allow me to run far and wide, should I need a good Mojito and some relaxation ~ and with seven children (four at home) what mother wouldn't appreciate that?

Kartoffeln und Glace ~ German Potatoes and Dumplings

It's been awhile since I have made a dish from my German heritage. My children were craving a bit of "home" and so today I opted to make Kartoffeln und Glace, a yummy, totally fat free comfort food. Yeah right.
Please excuse the photos, we didn't start until late in the evening and my camera tends to make everything look as if I cook by candlelight. Not in this life. My son John was a huge help, mostly because he was "starving" and wanted to help the process along. He was also the first one to devour a huge plate of this yummy goodness and ask if I could save some for leftovers tomorrow?

I never use a recipe for this one, it is one of those that was passed down, and lost in the translation - I will do my best.

Kartoffeln und Glace

1/2 lb ham, chopped into bite size pieces
1 medium onion diced
1/2 stick butter

6 medium potatoes, peeled and chopped into bite size pieces

1 cup cream, milk or buttermilk to your personal preference ( I use cream)
Bread crumbs or Panko breading

Glace dough:
3 cups flour
3 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 cup milk or more to make soft dough

Mix ingredients together to make a sticky dough.

Bring to boil 6 cups salted water for potatoes in a large pot.

Melt 1/4 stick butter in skillet, saute chopped onions until transparent. Add in chopped ham to warm. Remove from skillet leaving drippings in pan, add 1/2 stick butter and melt through.

Add potatoes to water and cook until almost done. Make Glace dough and drop by teaspoon into boiling potato water. Dip spoon into water to release dumpling. There is a saying that you will know when the dumplings are done "when the last dumpling rises." Remove dumplings from water with slotted spoon, place into skillet with butter/drippings. Allow to brown before turning.

Drain potatoes and add to pot along with sauteed onions and ham pieces. Pour in one cup of cream, mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste. After dumplings have browned, add them to pot and mix gently. Warm through. The original recipe calls for sprinkling with bread crumbs upon plating, but since I have a yeast allergy, I opt for Panko crumbs instead.

This is one of those meals that will stick to your ribs, and keep you fueled for quite some time. In my case and that of my sons, it is a true time machine trip to a sweeter, easier, more quiet time in our lives. I can only imagine how my ancestors felt about it.

This was one of the dishes that was prepared and served to the farm workers mid-day to help them in their long grueling task of harvesting crops. A few women would stop to prepare the meal in the fields in a large cauldron and afterwards all would return to work. Quick, simple and very filling.
