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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thankful Thursday

After posting my recipe for dinner tonight, I realized that today is also Thankful Thursday!

I am thankful that my hubby has not had a single seizure for two days. Which means tomorrow may be especially bad, but that is all in God's hands, and out of mine.

I am thankful that I have recently regained contact with a friend of mine who has been struggling for quite some time, and she is doing exceptionally well. It is a balm to my soul.

I am thankful as always for my loving family, immediate and extended, without whom I would not hold my head so high.

I am thankful for the freedoms I am still allowed in this country, but still concerned for the direction it is heading.

I am thankful for my gal pal "CJ" in Mexico that will allow me to run far and wide, should I need a good Mojito and some relaxation ~ and with seven children (four at home) what mother wouldn't appreciate that?

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