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Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday need I say more?

Yesterday my mother graciously gifted me three beautiful eggplant, and again today 6 or 7 zucchini. I had originally planned a roast chicken, but with these gems in sight and son Aidan's constant plea for Alfredo, I decided to make sautéed veggies as a side.

I planned to take pictures to post on the blog. I planned to write the recipe down as I made it up. None of these things happened. The food is long gone. I was lucky to snatch away a portion of each dish for my hubby, who was lucky enough to get squeezed into the doctor's office. I hope it is as tasty warmed over as it was when we inhaled it.

Imagine....Thin slices of zucchini, Roma tomatoes and eggplant, sauteed in olive oil with real butter, garlic and a splash of white wine. Two crusty loaves of garlic bread, fresh from the oven. (Okay they were Pepperidge Farm but my boys really love it)! Alfredo sauce courtesy of my girl Heidi of . Penne pasta to grab up all the sauce and the best part was that Aidan (12) was at my elbow through the whole cooking thing - which is so very cool! I have another chef in the making! Pardon me while I do the happy dance......and some more.....whoop de doo! I love to instill the love of cooking - not just the love of consuming - food in others. Don't get me wrong I put away my share of the grub, but it is on a whole 'nother level. More often than not I relish, no adore, no worship food - in it's finest incarnation. Ahem. Foodies get it.

I really wish there were pics to share with you, but perhaps next time. I think I'll go pick at hubbies leftovers....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thankful Thursday

My second edition of Thankful Thursday:

I am thankful the week is almost over. It's been insane yet again.

I am thankful my friend Heidi's hubs Mikey made it through his surgery and is on the mend. I am also thankful for any prayers offered up on their behalf. They are an awesome couple with an awesome family.

I am thankful again for the continued abundance of produce from my hubby's garden. This morning he brought in enough corn, green beans, potatoes and onions for the entire family's meal. I'm thinking roast Chicky and veggies tomorrow, since he had a previous engagement tonight. I am also thankful for Chef Tess Bakeresse's recipe for Fresh Corn Crepes - didn't get around to them today, but perhaps breakfast? Josh owes me a decadent meal.

I am thankful that my son Taylor's hand is healing and that his cast will come off on Tuesday, albeit therapy is in order. I would be doubly happy if he agreed he needed anger management classes. Or at least to chill.

I would be immensely grateful if I am dismissed from Jury Duty on Wednesday in the first few minutes - gag. Any suggestions?

I am super thankful that my 20-lb. ginger cat Marmalade is spending time with me this evening. Usually he is too good for the likes of mere mortals such as I, but I guess he feels my need for cuddling. From the other end of the room.....

Peace be with you!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday Rant

Seriously the past few weeks have been quite odd. I swear there has been full moon since mid July! Tomorrow needs to be an ordinary Sunday. Or I may just fly off the face of the earth in an ear-piercing tail-spin.

Today has been one of those days. I woke up hungry as the dickens (what does that mean anyway?). I had a Corned beef brisket in the fridge from Thursday. I promptly put it in the crock pot at 7 am, waking every living soul in our home. They were not happy but I was cooking! A few hours later I remembered we had also purchased a pig butt - I was craving Carnitas on Friday. Sooooooo, why not do it all?

I didn't have the Cabbage I needed for the Corned Beef, so I sent son #4 to the store to procure that for me. I began the Carnitas because I heard it was a really long drawn out process and I figured the CB&C would be ready by noon. Hubby came home from work and I realized I needed Cilantro for the Carnitas - so I sent son #3 to the store for that. After all, HE let the herb garden die while the rest of us were on family vacation, which he refused to attend. Teenagers are too cool for that or some such nonsense. Something is amiss with the Crock Pot, so here we are at 2pm and the CB&C still isn't done. Shoe leather.

I have to admit, the scents of both meals are tantalizing! Reminds me of when we owned the Diner. With less bullsh*t. Chef Tess Bakeresse has a really cool Crock Pot on her website, I'll have to check it out again and get a new one for myself. One cannot live without a Crock Pot, whether it be hot or cold outside/inside, it is an indispensable kitchen item.

So here I sit, waiting patiently for something to happen. My poor stomach thinks my throat has been slit and why the heck isn't anything coming down here? It smells the aromas of multitudes of yummies, but still nothing is happening. Oh yeah, I put the Sourdough on to rise this morning too, and it is just sitting there looking like a pale rendition of the 1960's BLOB. If something doesn't happen quick, I may just need to go to bed until morning and start anew. Am I the only one this happens to? Or just the only one pathetic enough to blog about it? Mothers with 5+ children should be exempt from this, no?

Oh well, tomorrow I will post photos of the end result of the two main dish Saturday, providing I can make the camera function for me. Gosh, it's good to be humbly and fumbly.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This morning I was reading the various blogs I subscribe to and came across a new one: Thank you to Kasha for inspiring me to add Thankful Thursday to my blog!

This is my list of things I am thankful for:

Calm. The past few weeks (heck months to be honest) have been a whirlwind of motion and emotion. It is almost noon and I remain calm today. It has been peaceful and quiet the kids are behaving, and I am happy and content.

My Family. As always I am thankful for my husband Josh and our sons: Frank and Brian (who are MIA college students right now - but I'm sure they'll check in sooner or later), Taylor, my almost 18 year old ginger haired son who always manages to make my day just a bit too insane. John, my 16 year old blessing from God, the only one who never gives me fits. Josh Jr, my almost 13 year old son who has his little quirks that endear him to my heart, and the multitude of peeves that set me off in an instant. Last but not least, Aidan, my 12 year old mama's boy who is constantly tormented by the entire rest of the family for loving his mama so much. Secretly I adore the attention. Ok so it's not so secret. I am also thankful for our beautiful daughter, Aaliyah, who at the moment resides with her birthmother. I enjoy every moment that we spend with her, few and far between they may be, but worth all the gold in the world.

Our Garden. My husband Josh has this amazing green thumb, mine is more black than anything else, but he is truly gifted. The abundance of yummy vegetables that have been yielded from our little plot is growing each and every day.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Calabacita y Maize con Chile Verde

Just because one cannot indulge in sugars, yeasts and the like doesn't mean one cannot have variety in their diet! In fact, more often than not, I seek out the foods with flavors, spices, heat and textures to make up for the fact that I cannot indulge in the Cheese, Fruit and Bread Platter of yesteryear. I mean who wouldn't indulge in a good Honey soaked Brie with Green Grapes, Apples and a really crusty French Bread? (Sigh) It's a good thing my husband is of Spanish decent and I am inclined towards HOT HOT HOT, when it comes to partaking of the goods.

Today's offerings include Calabacita y Maize con Chile Verde. Squash, Corn and Chile for us Wettas. Someday I'll tell you the story about Wetta Food, but not today. For now we go on with my favorite veggie dish of all time!


4 Zucchini, sliced thin and halved
4 Yellow Squash, sliced thin and halved
1 Onion, sliced thin
4 ears of Corn, kernels cut from the cob
2 Anaheim or Poblano peppers, seeded and diced (Anaheim has more of a New Mexico heat flavor, which is what we prefer, Poblano will flavor without the heat)
2 Tablespoons Butter
1 Tablespoon Salt (I prefer Himalayan Sea Salt - it gives a distinct flavor)
1 Tablespoon Cumin
1 Tablespoon Pepper (I prefer a mix of fresh ground, black and white, again for the texture and flavor)
1 Tablespoon chopped Garlic
1/2 Cup crumbled Feta cheese

Saute all veggies in butter on medium heat for approximately 15 min, according to your taste preferences. I like my veggies "al dente" like pasta. There is nothing worse than mushy squash. My son Taylor liked it as a baby, but that was 17 years ago. He won't touch the stuff now, go figure.

Add seasonings at the end of the saute. Top with Feta cheese, and toss gently until melted. Serve and enjoy! This is usually a side dish along with Beans and perhaps Enchiladas or Pork Chops in our family. It is great as a leftover, as the flavors marry even more the next day! I can live on Calabacita and Frijoles for days!
