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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This morning I was reading the various blogs I subscribe to and came across a new one: Thank you to Kasha for inspiring me to add Thankful Thursday to my blog!

This is my list of things I am thankful for:

Calm. The past few weeks (heck months to be honest) have been a whirlwind of motion and emotion. It is almost noon and I remain calm today. It has been peaceful and quiet the kids are behaving, and I am happy and content.

My Family. As always I am thankful for my husband Josh and our sons: Frank and Brian (who are MIA college students right now - but I'm sure they'll check in sooner or later), Taylor, my almost 18 year old ginger haired son who always manages to make my day just a bit too insane. John, my 16 year old blessing from God, the only one who never gives me fits. Josh Jr, my almost 13 year old son who has his little quirks that endear him to my heart, and the multitude of peeves that set me off in an instant. Last but not least, Aidan, my 12 year old mama's boy who is constantly tormented by the entire rest of the family for loving his mama so much. Secretly I adore the attention. Ok so it's not so secret. I am also thankful for our beautiful daughter, Aaliyah, who at the moment resides with her birthmother. I enjoy every moment that we spend with her, few and far between they may be, but worth all the gold in the world.

Our Garden. My husband Josh has this amazing green thumb, mine is more black than anything else, but he is truly gifted. The abundance of yummy vegetables that have been yielded from our little plot is growing each and every day.

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