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Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday need I say more?

Yesterday my mother graciously gifted me three beautiful eggplant, and again today 6 or 7 zucchini. I had originally planned a roast chicken, but with these gems in sight and son Aidan's constant plea for Alfredo, I decided to make sautéed veggies as a side.

I planned to take pictures to post on the blog. I planned to write the recipe down as I made it up. None of these things happened. The food is long gone. I was lucky to snatch away a portion of each dish for my hubby, who was lucky enough to get squeezed into the doctor's office. I hope it is as tasty warmed over as it was when we inhaled it.

Imagine....Thin slices of zucchini, Roma tomatoes and eggplant, sauteed in olive oil with real butter, garlic and a splash of white wine. Two crusty loaves of garlic bread, fresh from the oven. (Okay they were Pepperidge Farm but my boys really love it)! Alfredo sauce courtesy of my girl Heidi of . Penne pasta to grab up all the sauce and the best part was that Aidan (12) was at my elbow through the whole cooking thing - which is so very cool! I have another chef in the making! Pardon me while I do the happy dance......and some more.....whoop de doo! I love to instill the love of cooking - not just the love of consuming - food in others. Don't get me wrong I put away my share of the grub, but it is on a whole 'nother level. More often than not I relish, no adore, no worship food - in it's finest incarnation. Ahem. Foodies get it.

I really wish there were pics to share with you, but perhaps next time. I think I'll go pick at hubbies leftovers....

1 comment:

  1. Goodness gracious! You made my mouth water!!!! How did it turn out!?!

